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茹女士现为高级翻译 / 编辑顾问及写作人,曾任大学外语系全职讲师以及新加坡上市公司全职高级翻译。工作及公益活动之外,她爱好书法、文学和艺术。
她已出版具有国际书号( ISBN) 的八本书籍(作为作者、主编、合著者 ),其书籍已被新加坡、中国陕西省、美国纽约的大型公共图书馆,以及新加坡、中国、美国的知名大学图书馆和马来西亚南方大学马华文学馆等收录。她的文学作品、翻译作品和论文发表在新加坡、中国、美国、马来西亚、越南、菲力宾、印尼等地的文学刊物及正式报刊上。
2017年她获颁新加坡文艺协会“向文艺敬礼”奖,其散文在2009年获新加坡“亲情“征文比赛优胜奖。 其短篇小说及短剧分别在2016及2019年获颁新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会《源》杂志评选的“年度优秀文学作品佳作奖”。
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Ms Ru Sui Sui is a senior translator / editing consultant / writer. She once worked as a full-time English language lecturer in Foreign Language Dept. of the University and a full-time senior translator in Singapore listed company. Outside work and voluntary activity, her hobby covers Chinese calligraphy, literature, arts.
She is the author / co-author / chief – editor for 8 Chinese books with ISBN. Her published books are on display in big public libraries such as Singapore, China - Shanxi, US New York city and Singapore, China and US well-know university libraries, [Chinese Literature Gallery] of Southern College in Malaysia etc. Her literature pieces and translation works were published in literature magazines and official newspapers worldwide such as Singapore, U.S.A, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand etc.
Ms Ru received “Excellent Works Award “ in [ Family-theme Writing Competition ] in Singapore in 2009. Her short story and short script were awarded as “ Excellent Works” in [ Annual Chinese Literature Award ] held by Singapore Chinese Culture Bimonthly Magazine [ 源 ( Yuan) ] in 2016 and 2019 respectively.
Ms Ru currently serves as a board director in 4 non-profit organizations in Singapore.

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