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陈妙华(Chan Maw Woh or Chan Meow Wah),笔名丁娜、白霞等,是新加坡华裔马来文化工作者之一。她曾任职新加坡《星洲日报》及《联合早报》35年。1997年退休前是国际新闻组高级编辑。业余她长期从事华马文化交流工作,翻译马来西亚和印尼报章社论,撰写文章向读者介绍新、马、印三国马来社会和文化。
她与杨贵谊合编17部马华、马来和马华英、华马英等词典, 包括:《马来语大词典》(1972),《统一标准马来语词典》(1973,第四版:2018),《新编华马大词典》(2012),《新编马华大词典》(2015),《新编华马英简明词典》(2015)等。
目前她是新加坡文艺协会理事,新加坡作家协会、热带文学艺术俱乐部及马来作协“五十年代作家行列”(ASAS ‘50)的永久会员,并于2000至2003年担任该会理事,是该会71年来唯一的华裔理事。
她曾荣获“五十年代作家行列” “文学贡献奖”及新加坡马来语文理事会“文学之友奖”等。2016年7月她获颁第15届亚细安华文文学奖。

陈妙华作品(books by Chan Maw Woh):
1.《马来文坛群英》(Wajah Sasterawan Melayu – Faces of Malay Writers)
2.《岛国马来风》(Arus Melayu Singapura - Singapore Malay Literature and Culture)
3.《印尼多姿彩》(Bunga Rampai Indonesia – Colorful Indonesia)
4.《娘子军登黄山》(Travelog – A Women Team Climbed Mountain Huang-shan)
5.《刀尖下的生命》(Nyawa Di Hujung Pedang -Life In Danger)
6.《红宝石戒指》(Delima Merah Di Jari Manis -Red Jewel Ring)
7.《一片热土》(Satu Bumi - One Earth)
8.《拉哇 白礁岛悲剧》(RAWA Tragedi Pulau Batu Putih - RAWA Tragedy of White Rock Island)
9.《悲君统治》(Duka Tuan Bertakhta - 1819)
10.《河上风云》(Di Dada Sungai Kelawang – Disaster in Kelawang River)
11.《一杯酒一碗牛奶》(Segelas Arak Secawan Susu – A cup of Wine A bowl of Milk)
12.《乱麻》(Serabut – Chaos)
13. Antologi Cerpen Xinhua (《新加坡华文短篇小说集》马译,Singapore Chinese Short Stories Anthology)
14.《喀湃·喀湃》(印尼名剧华译)(Kapai-kapai, Indonesian drama)
15.《辜邦岸》(Koobangan, 马华对照)
16.《竹棍子》(Tongkat Bambu – Bamboo Stick, 马华对照)
17. 《中国古代民间传说》(Dongeng Tiongkok Kuno- Chinese Folklore,华马对照)

Chan Maw Woh or Chan Meow Wah is a writer, a Chinese and Malay language translator and ex-journalist of Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore.

Chan started her writing career in 1958 when she wrote her first short story “Ah Ngo”, which was published in the literature section of the Nanyang Siang Pao.

Chan Wrote/translated 17 titles of books and compiled 17 titles of dictionaries with her husband Dr Yang Quee Yee and others, including Kamus Umum Bahasa Malaysia (1972), Kamus Sari ejaan bersama (1973, 4th Edition 2018), Kamus Umum Bahasa Melayu-China Serba Baru (2015), Kamus Sarjana Bahasa Cina-Melayu Terkini (2012), and Kamus Bestari Cina-Melayu- Inggeris (2015), etc.

In the 1960s. Chan served as the editor of Majallah Bahasa Kebangsaan (National Language Magazine), a Malay-Chinese monthly publication, for about 8 years.

Chan has received several literature awards, including “Sahabat Persuratan” (Literature Friend Award) given by the Malay Language Council of Singapore, “Anugerah Penghargaan” (Honour Award of Literature), and “Anugerah Bakti Persuratan” (Devotion Award of Literature) given by Angkatan Sasterawan ‘50 (Malay Writers Association) for promoting Malay language and literature beyond the Malay community. In July 2016, she was the recipient of Asean Chinese Literature Award.

Now, she is the committee member of Singapore Literature Society, life member of Tropical Literature and Art Club, Singapore Association of Writers and also Angkatan Sasterawan ’50. She is the only one non-Malay committee member in 2000-2003 of ASAS ’50 since it’s establishment till now.

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